Thursday 26 October 2023

15mm BPM Daimler Dingo

 I wanted something which would do as a sort of recce/HQ hybrid so I picked up a Daimler Dingo from BPM. For the core British army I don't need much of this sort of thing but I'll get some more later. 

It is a single piece print, and absolutely tiny! I should probably compare it to my QRF Dingos for size, but Tbh, if I want any more I'll probably just get some more BPM ones to match.

For a print of such a tiny vehicle it isn't bad. There are a few rough bits here and there and I should perhaps have got a resin one instead of an APL one. 

There isn't a supplied driver (I'm a bit baffled why they don't just print one inside the vehicle), just empty seats. I bodged one up from one of the QRF carrier crew busts, balanced on a block of wood to give it some height. . 

The Dingo just got the usual 'Light Stone' finish with a very pale drybrush. The tyre treads got picked up nicely by the drybrush. 

All the vehicles so far are plain, but I may come back and do some markings later. I just want to get the core force done first.


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed. It also makes a handy command vehicle. Chris Kemp had a more modern Ferret, but much the same thing, when he commanded an armoured engineer company.
