Rules Downloads


Horse and Musket

Rifle and Kepi. Large scale late ninetenth century warfare aimed at Army level actions. One base = one regiment, one hex = 1 km. Based on Richard Brooks 'Terrible Swift Rules'. Rifle and Kepi

Marlborough Light. A very stripped down version of Strategos/Lost Battles by Phil Sabin, reapplied to the war of the Spanish Succession. This has been used to fight Blenheim, Ramillies and Oudenard but would work perfectly well for other eighteeth century battles. Marlborough Lite

First World War

Drumfire. Corps level WW1 trench warfare. One base = one battalion, one square is roughly half a mile. Based heavily on 'Playing Leapfrog' and 'Storm of Steel'. Drumfire

Paths of Glory. A somewhat Great War Spearhead style of WW1 rules, Division/Corps sized actions, one base = one company. No grids involved! but it does have random movement. Paths of Glory

World War One in Three Turns. A single player game (vs an umpire) covering 1916, 1917 and 1918 from the point of view of a divisional commander on the Western Front. It was run a number of times at the Conference of Wargamers and also as the WD Display Team (North) participation game in 2003, and it won the best participation game prize at Murphy Mania. This is the  writeup for The Nugget.

One Hour WW1 Naval. See the One Hour Wargames rules page:

OP16. This is my updated version of Richard Brooks OP14 WW1 operational rules. They incorporate various aspects of trench warfare like gas, rolling barrages etc and I've used these to fight things like the Kaiserschlacht and the Battle of Amiens. The original OP14 rules were published in the The Wargames Developments Journal issue No. 236 in June 2010.  OP16 rules 

Second World War

One Hour WW2. See the One Hour Wargames Rules page:

Panzer Gruppe. Large scale WW2 Operational Rules aimed at Corps/Army level operations. One base = one regiment/brigade, turns are roughly one day, played on a hex (or square) grids at 1 hex = 10km. Panzergruppe
Feb 2021 update. This is a later version which uses fixed movement rates and was the set I used to refight Kasserine Pass and Operation Goodwood. Panzergruppe v2.2

Memoir 45. A somewhat tarted up version of Memoir 44 including rules from the various supplements as well as ideas from some of the other variants. Note you need the original Memoir 44 card deck to play. Memoir 45

Historical interest

Lt Colonel Wigrams 1943 report on British infantry performance and suggested tactical and organisational improvements. Extensively requoted in e.g. The Stress of Battle, Bullets and Brains and The British Army Review. Wigrams Report

WW2 Weapons effectiveness. A large compilation of War Office operations research documents compiled by John D. Salt. WW2 Weapons Effectiveness

Artillery snippets. More OR documents from John D. Salt, this time on artillery. Artillery snippets

Soviet Infantry Tactics (1925), by Marshal Tuchachevsky, translated by John D Salt. An interesting study by the doomed Marshal on the development of infantry tactics and the use of light and medium machine guns (specifically the inclusion of MMGs in Red Army rifle companies).  Questions of infantry Organisation and Tactics