One Hour Wargames rules and scenarios


One Hour Wargames Rules Variants

One Hour WW2 (hex) v3 Dec 2023. This is the version we've been playing most recently.  Elements are battalions (or equivalent) and it uses half mile hexes. The larger units fit better with the abstract nature of the system IMHO, and the hexes just speed things up and make unit placement clearer. This uses the six hit and 1/2/3 dice combat system which I prefer, and includes things like reorganisation and digging in. It is fairly easy to scale up to regiment sized elements or down to companies.  One Hour WW2 v3

One Hour WW2 (ruler). 2020. This is the old free format version of One Hour WW2. The core rules are similar to the hex version, but obviously it uses rulers and not a grid. The later modifications (reorganisation etc) from the hex version would translate fine. Here for people who like rulers. One Hour WW2 (ruler version)

One Hour WW1 Naval. This is a variant on Neil Thomas's One Hour Wargames rules developed in conjunction with John Armatys and in turn based on a variant by Richq in the AMNW yahoo group.  One Hour WW1 (naval)

One Hour Ancients (squared). This is a grid based version of the Ancients rules using the six hit combat variant. One Hour Ancients (squared)

One Hour Napoleonic (hex). This is my take on the One Hour Marengo Napoleonic variant, converted to hexes and reflecting my particular prejudices on Napoleonic warfare. Waterloo and Wavre are in teh game reports so you can see how it works. Still a bit of a work in progress, and treat the leader rules as very optional as I'm not sure they add much.  One Hour Napoleonic Feb 24

One Hour Wargames Scenarios

Freeform/ruler based scenarios

Arras May 1940, Arras France. The battle of Arras, most of Rommels 7th Panzer Div faces off against 1st Army Tank Brigade and 3 DLM.

The Road to Minsk Summer 1941, near Minsk. Eastern Front. 20th Panzer Div breaks through to Minsk during Operation Barbarossa, while scattered Russian units rush to encircle and destroy them.

Escape from Tula December 1941, near Tula. Eastern Front. Panzer Group Eberbach tries to escape from encirclement during Zhukovs winter counteroffensive.

Hill 241 July 1943, Kursk. Eastern Front. 1st SS LAH tackles 2nd Tank Corps and 183 Rifle Div on the road to Prochorovoka.

Twin Villages 1944 Krinkelt/Rocherach, Ardennes. The best part of a Volksgrenadier Division supported by 12th SS Panzer Div takes on 99th Infantry during the Battle of the Bulge.

Gridded scenarios

Cannae Punic Wars. Varrus and Hannibal clash as Hannibal rampages down Italy. (squares)

Brochow 1939 Polish Campaign. 4th Panzer Div and SSLAH meet Polish Cavalry (hex)

Haut le Wastia 1940 The French counterattack a German bridgehead over the Meuse (hex)

Somme Bridgehead 1940 1st Armoured Division attacks the German bridgehead over the Somme (hex)

Leshnov 1941 Soviet 8th Mechanised Corps counterattacks in the Ukraine (hex)

Chor es Sufan 1941 DAK gives 7th AD a bloody nose during the retreat from Tobruk (hex)

Hill 241 1943 SSLAH at Kursk (hex)

One Hour Wargames Game Reports

WW2 Eastern Front

The Road to Minsk, June 1941:

The Road to Minsk again:

Leshnov July 1941:

Leshnov 1941: Hex rules playtest:

Leshnov 1941 at COW 23:

Escape from Tula, December 1941:

Hill 241, Kursk 1943:

Hill 241 (hex):

Brochow 1939:

France 1940

Battle of Arras:

Somme Bridgehead:

Haut le Wastia:

WW2 Desert

Chor es Sufan, Libya 1941: 

WW2 Western Front

Twin Villages, Bulge 1944:

One Hour Mortain, Normandy 1944:

Task Force Rose, Bulge 1944:



One Hour Waterloo:

One Hour Wavre:

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