Tuesday 27 August 2024

More 15mm British artillery. 6 and 25 pdr.

 I was planning a game and I "needed" some more British artillery in theatre neutral colours.. I put an order in to QRF back in January but it never turned up (lost in the post),  so I put in order to BPM instead. 

Another pair of 25pdrs, and some more 6pdrs. I discovered a couple of spare British Para gunners, so wanted another 6pdr, but BPM only supply them in pairs so... 

Lovely little single piece resin models. I did one with a para crew and one with normal British gunners. Yes, I know it isn't an Airborne version, but really, who cares. 

The guns are painted in VJ Russian Uniform and given a wash of Bronze Green. After all the desert stuff, it is a very long time since I painted anything green! 

More 25pdrs, in cheaper APL. A bit grainy but fine for wargaming.. Although I undercoated the limbers, I didn't bother finishing them as they are unnecessary clutter. 

I would have ordered some Quads too, but BPM don't do them.... Another component of my missing QRF order. I've ordered some from another manufacturer. 

I did the guns in the later Mediterranean scheme, mid brown with black disruptive. They will do for the desert and NWE at a pinch. The crews are mainly spare 8th Army gunners with some others mixed in.. I did them in dark khaki drill with khaki helmets (hessian covers?), but not green or luminous sand, so they are good for a range of theatres. 

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