Thursday 10 October 2024

Limber madness!

 I liked the 3D Printing Valley 15mm horse limbers so much, that I ordered a few more. 

Nine more to be exact. Although they are a bit fiddly to assemble, they turn out very nice, and having done three already, I'd got a bit of a production line going. I mainly did the horses mid brown, but with some lighter and darker ones for variety, and added some socks and white nose flashes.

There isn't a great deal more to say about them really. I did three of these in the same dark grey/green as the original trio, and six in a lighter green. They will do for all combatants in WW1 and WW2, and join my ever growing pool of twentieth century horse transport. I'm up to 25 wagons, limbers and pack mules now.

1 comment:

  1. I like these. Tempted.

    What is the smallest base size you think they'd fit on? Playing Crossfire the limbers are just markers so smaller the better. Could they squeeze onto a 30m x 30mm? Or 30mm x 45mm?
