Thursday 3 October 2024

Slightly bigger Higgins Boats

 After my 6mm Higgins Boat error (we'll, perhaps not a complete error, I'm sure they will be fine with my 6mm stuff! ), I ordered some bigger ones from BPM.

Three more Higgins Boats, this time they are 12mm (so 1/144th?). They look very similar to their 6mm brethren....

Unlike the 6mm ones, they come with shielded MG mounts, which are printed in resin and quite fiddly to stick on. The hulls are printed in APL, which is a bit rough in places but nothing a good sand down couldn't sort out.

I did these exactly the same as their 6mm pals - a Light Sea Grey basecoat with some Dark Sea Grey disruptive patterns followed by a drybrush. I haven't quite finished the bases yet, they need some wakes etc adding. Unfortunately I managed to snap one of the MG barrels off when I was drybrushing as they are quite fine.

Unlike the 6mm ones, they look a lot less silly next to 15mm stuff, so that will do! These are only supposed to be representational, and they aren't LSTs, just infantry carriers so plenty big enough for the sorts of things I'll use them for. 

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