Saturday 17 February 2024


 We finally got around to doing the 1067 follow up to Johns 1066 Matrix Game   which we played a few months ago.

A brief recap - the Norse invasion of Northumbria was thwarted at Stamford Bridge, killing Tostig in the process, by the great northern heroes Morcar and Edwin assisted by King Harold. Harold then went on the beat William of Normandy at Hastings, who retired to the church to consider his misdeeds.

Mislead by his advisors, King Harold then appointed William as Earl of Northumberland, displacing the brave, loyal, popular and handsome Morcar who retired to Bebbanburg to mull his grievances. I really can't think why Harold would p nish Morcar, although the non-appearance of the Northern Earls at Hastings may have had something to do with it! 

Anyway, it is January 1067. Danes and Norsemen (Russell) are once more wondering how to spend the next campaigning season, King Harold (John) is in his castle, William (Pete) is in Jorvik, while heroic Morcar (me) lurks in Bebbanburg. Up north, King Malcolm (Tim) is wondering how best to exploit his victory over the usurper Macbeth.

Much happens in Spring 1067. Malcolm raises and army, Harold hires some Irish mercenaries, King Svein of Denmark also raises an army. In the north, Duke William ravages the land, siezing goods and chattels in the name of the church. The world is turned upside down, and the Laidley Worm stalks the northlands.

Only a true Northumbrian hero can beat the Dragon, so Morcar goes on a holy quest to rid the land of the beast.

The Danes take advantage of the kerfuffle to land an Army at Goole, claiming to be merely establishing a Herring importation business. 

This provokes a pretty impressive response. Edwin raised the Mercian Fyrd, William raises (some) of the Northumbrian Fyrd - they don't quite know who their boss is yet, and Morcar drives the Dragon to the borders of Scotland before riding south.

The Anglo Saxons unite under Harold and launch a massive attack on the Danes. Morcar is at the forefront of the fighting, keen to prove his valour and loyalty to the King, despite the injustice done to him by fickle Harold. Just as Morcars forbear, Uhtred Ragnusson had tussles with Aelfred 'The Great' (or sly, devious and cunning, as Uhtred would have it).

The Danes were sent packing in short order, and set off on a long voyage around the north coast of Scotland. Malcolm meanwhile had commissioned a very exciting and bloodthirsty play about the downfall of King Macbeth.

Morcar went Dragon slaying once more, and William pronounced Morcar in league with the devil and had him ex-communicated! This is all very unfair.

All was not lost however. Morcar finally slew the beast just as the wicked Danes landed in Wales. Harold came to his senses and appointed Morcar Earl of Wales, so the national hero rode west along with his brother Edwin. Once more the brothers saw off the Danish threat and the Morcar Dragonslayer had once again saved the Kingdom for Harold. Hurrah! 

William meanwhile returned to looting the north, a venal, cowardly and despised figure. Once a Viking, always a Viking I guess. Harold was secure on his throne, and the Anglo-Saxon realm was preserved. Meanwhile Malcolm had come up with some very jolly sagas about himself, and the Danes had happily set up a flourishing Herring business in Ireland.

That was loads of fun, and we rattled through it very quickly using Johns new streamlined argument resolution system (where players can support/oppose other players arguments). With Harold firmly settled on the throne, who knows what the future will bring for Englaland. 


  1. Replies
    1. It was a real hoot, although sadly the real Morcar seems to have been rather a tedious individual. I'd mentioned the Laidley Worm to John after my last trip to Bamburgh back in November, so he'd made a special Dragon counter.

  2. Sounds like an absolute blast!
