Tuesday 31 October 2023

Cleudo Hostage Rescue

 We were low on numbers this week so John  put on a quick game of Cleudo Hostage Rescue. Only Pete and I were playing and Pete was selected as section leader. He took soldiers 1-4 and I had 5-8, with the medic as No. 8.

We've played this loads of times before, but briefly - terrorists have taken a number of hostages in the Cleudo house, and the players need to rescue them.

Local security forces gave us a rough idea which rooms might be occupied, and we were very lucky in that Colonel Mustard had escaped already and was able to give us a terrorist headcount - six.

We breached in two teams. Pete went in via the Conservatory which we knew was empty (all those windows), while my guys went in via the Hall (which was reported empty with a fair degree of likelyhood).

John assaulted the Ball Room behind a stun grenade. This didn't go as well as hoped and although one terrorist was seriously injured in the gunfight, the other detonated his suicide vest which wounded one of our men. Forttunately none of the hostages was hurt.

My team assaulted the Lounge, again behind stun grenades, and we stormed the room, killing both terrorists and rescuing Miss Scarlet and Mrs Peacock.

My medic went off to stabilise our wounded man who was able to continue in action albeit at reduced effect.

We were a bit hazy about the next target and wasted a grenade on the (empty) billiard room. The final hostages were tracked down to the kitchen.

The kitchen was stormed in fine style behind stun grenades, and we actually managed to capture one terrorist alive and rescued Professor Plum.

So, a very successful operation. All hostages rescued, all terrorists eliminated and only one (walking) casualty.

We have played this a lot so are quite good at it now. Pete in particular made excellent use of the section leaders ability to alter the activation sequence, so we were generally able to open doors, throw grenades then enter firing within a single turn.


  1. What a hoot! I will never se a Cluedo board in the same light again :-)

    1. A Cleudo board is a great resource! Weve played many games of Cleudo Hostage Rescue.
