Thursday 5 October 2023

15mm BPM 2pdr Portee

 My British needed some AT guns, and what better than a 2pdr portee. At some point I'll get some dismounted guns and maybe even some 6pdrs, but for now a pair of portees will do fine. 

What could be better than these delightful Morris portees, with the added bonus that they are much smaller than the Chevdolet version. Back in the day, in my much lamented original 15mm 8th Army, I had to convert these from Peter Pig 15cwt trucks and unlimbered 2pdrs. BPM have saved me the bother. 

They are supplied in just two major parts, the truck and gun. The 3D process has struggled a bit with the curved bumpers but they aren't too bad. The fine detail is just exquisite though. 

One problem with 3D prints is they don't come with any crew, and this was crying out for them. The driver is a BF US jeep driver with his helmet filed down, and the gunner is another Old Glory carrier crew with the rifle cut down into a shell and the scrim trimmed off his helmet. The deck was usually padded with sandbags, but I couldn't be bothered to make those. 

The gun wheels are also seperate. I tried a few different mounting configurations, but in the end just stuck them on the back. I couldn't find any decent photos of the Morris with the gun mounted, so that will have to do. 

The power of 3D printing can be seen in the circular holes in the wheel hubs. 

These just got the same plain 'light stone' finish as the other stuff. Various layers of dry brushing with an inkwash in the middle. 


  1. Got to love a quirky portee!

    1. I really like these ones, so much more dinky than the Chevys.

  2. I'll bet just about every Western Desert war gamer 40-60 years ago wished like billy-o that someone offered a 2pr gun and portee kit. I made a 6pr one using John Sandars's example as my model, and subsequently a 2pr job - OK-ish, but not one of my better efforts. Those are the only two I have.

    Those 3D chappies look just the business!

    1. Yes, a curious gap in the Airfix range, although I suppose they didn't make a Pak 38 either.
