Wednesday 12 July 2023

Even more old trucks

 While at the 'Steel Warriors' show, Tim handed me yet another box of old 15mm (ish) trucks to play with.

The latest batch. How many old trucks does Tim have?

A Zvezda Opel Blitz. I have some of these already but another one is always welcome.

And a Zvezda Gaz AA. I also have quite a few of these, although Tim has done a better job on the wierd bonnet moulding than I have.

I metal Citroen staff car. Peter Pig I think.

This rather wonderful diecast horse box! I'll think about converting it into an ambulance or a command vehicle.

Cream of the crop is this stunning Lesney diecast Scammel recovery truck.

What a fabulous model, I was actually thinking of getting a 3D print of one of these, so this has saved me the bother. I've already got a 6mm one in my Eighth Army Corps Assets pile. 

I just need to prise them all off their old bases and repaint them, so watch this space.


  1. "You can never have too many trucks"

    1. That was going to be my line! But it is none the less true for all that.

    2. As I peer into my ever expanding boxes of trucks, I do sometimes wonder if it IS possible to have too many. I do a certain amount of proxying, but it still slightly pains me to use grey German trucks in 1944. Those green Gaz AA trucks are great though, you can use those with zillions of armies.
