Thursday 21 September 2023

15mm BPM 25pdrs

 Along with carriers, my British needed some 25pdrs. I had quite enough sticking together the QRF (Denzil Skinner moulds) 25pdr models for NWE, so this time I wanted something simpler. Years ago I had some SDD 25s which I stupidly sold along with the rest of my 15mm desert stuff. 

Anyway, I had originally planned to buy some PSC guns, but the price put me off. BPM do some very reasonably priced guns though, in both early and late versions. I went for the early version without muzzle breaks. 

And here they are. I just got two to start with. I'll probably get some more in future along with some 5.5s, but this is fine for now. 

I went for PLA models, and they came printed on a single sheet including the gun carriage, rotating mount, limber and seperate gun barrel. They came off the sheet fine, but like all PLA models, there were a few striations on some of the sloped surfaces. I filed off some of the larger flat surfaces but in general they were fine. 

The gun barrel glued in place easily, and the limber is a single piece print. Very different to the five piece metal ones I assembled some years ago. The gun itself has lots of nice detail on it, which looks much better once it is painted. It isn't as crisp as injection moulded plastic, but fine for gaming. 

The guns don't come with crew, so these are Peter Pig 8th Army Gunners. I was very pleased to see they actually look like gunners working in the hot sun, and are bare chested! I wasn't sure what to do with the limbers, but in the end put them on the bases. Attached to the Quad they just take up too much storage space, but in this configuration they just make the gun bases 10mm longer which is fine. 

I did these the same as the carriers, two coats of desert yellow with an ink wask in between, highlight with pale sand. The gunners helmets are also Vallojo Desert Yellow which is actually a decent match for the British helmet colour. As one of my re-enactment pals said, the helmets should be luminous and visible from space. 


  1. You WILL need more artillery for the desert, Martin. :-)

    Regards, Chris.

    1. Well, it is a start. I can always use some of my green 25pdrs if needs be.
