Wednesday 29 May 2024

PP Italian Heavy Weapons/HQ

 The last bit of my 15mm Italian infantry was the HQs, support weapons etc.

I got a pack each of medium MGs, medium mortars and engineers. I can always borrow German ones if I need more. I also got a pack of Infantry officers and and an NCO pack, although a lot of these ended up being used on infantry bases. 

Breda MG. Hilariously the loader is the only figure in the entre range cast with a sidecap on, everyone else is in helmets.

And an 81mm mortar. Surplus crew from both sets were used elsewhere.

These are the 'engineers'. You get three of the flamethrower guys, two of the grenade throwers and three of the 20mm ATRs.

I really like the flamethrower operator, he is wearing a gas mask and what looks like a protective outfit.

Some of the HQ stands. I did some two figure stands, one three figure stand and some individual figures too. Eagle eyed readers will notice that some of them look a bit Germanic - I found my missing DAK higher HQ pack too late! In fact the Italians also had a jazzy peaked desert cap, and the set includes a couple of rather fine figures in sidecaps as well as the all important radio operators. The Italian Officers are all a bit shooty, waving pistols around, so I was glad to have some non combat figures to use as well.

I painted up the Germans in Italian-ish colours, and they will do fine as either Italians or DAK, and I did some very obviously Italian (helmeted) stands too.

Finally the three Solothurn ATRs from the engineer pack (plus a couple of 47L32 AT guns).

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