Monday 13 May 2024

Time for a re-spray

 Rather than buying extra Pz III Ls or Sdkfz 221s for my DAK forces, I'd planned on using some of my existing late war vehicles.

Now, most of the my late war stuff is done in three tone camo as above. This looks quite 'sandy' anyway, but I thought I'd repaint a few of them in plain sand. They will still be good for 1943+ but would look less out of place in the desert.

I have three Zvezda long barrelled Pz III (filed down Flammpanzers), so I re-did two of them in plain sand. I didn't do anything fancy, just carefully went over the larger areas in VJ Dark Sand. 

I'm really pleased with how they came out - bits of the original darker paint scheme show through around the lowlights and give them quite a beaten up look. I finished them off with a light drybrush of Pale Sand to pick out the highlights. They are now good to go for anything from Gazala to Pz Ko Mielke at Arnhem in 1944, which was also in plain sand. 

Similarly I re-did a couple of my Forged in Battle Sdkfz 221s. They were originally done in the same very heavy three colour scheme as the Sdkfz 251/9 (based on 5th SS Vikings recce Bn). As with the Pz IIIs, I just went over the larger areas with Dark Sand, leaving gaps where appropriate.

Again, like the Mark IIIs, they ended up looking pretty beaten up and dusty. I'd forgotten what lovely models these are, much nicer than my QRF ones, the detail stands out better in the plain sand than the camo. The crews helmets sticking up behind the anti-grenade netting is a very nice touch.


  1. You have done a very nice job of repurposing these vehicles!

  2. They look really great! I was thinking of doing something similar for my Germans, re-painting the stuff more-or-less suitable for the desert in plain sand so they will always work, no matter the scenario.

    1. Thanks. I think you can get away with some camo on desert stuff. As I said in the post, they already look pretty 'deserty' from a distance anyway, but bizarrely, they actually look better now I've gone over them with plain paint.

  3. Looking good. Are you winding back the mileage too?

    1. They look fairly high mileage already, so I don't think that will fool anyone.
