Friday 25 October 2024

Dorchester ACV (3D Printing Valley)

 I wanted an armoured command vehicle for my Desert British, and finally tracked down a reasonably priced supplier for a Dorchester and ordered one. However some weeks later it still hadn't arrived, and as I am somewhat impatient at times, I ordered another one from 3D Printing Valley instead. It was quite pricy as it is a solid resin piece, but still under a tenner. 

It is a very nice model though, with the North African awnings and stowage rails. I think it came as a single piece print, I can't recall sticking the wheels on anyway.

Nicely raised detail, and deep panel lines too. Less cartoony than the 3DPV CMP Quads at any rate.

Lovely detail on the back, including tools and looped cable.

Here it is in its undercoated state. I got the order of the photos  slightly wrong there. 

I looked at a few different colour schemes, but in the end settled on Caunter with mid green over blue/grey. The whole thing got a pinwash into the panel lines and a light drybrush to emphasise all the rivets are hard edges.

Lovely model, very pleased with that, it looks just like the one Gerald Scarborough converted from an Airfix Matador. 


  1. There's something iconic about the Dorchester in North Africa. Of course your other when it arrives could be used by the other side post-Mechili......
    The Matador conversion in the Airfix guide was amazing, along with the others.

  2. A very nice looking model and you have done her proud with the excellent painting. Bob
