Monday, 25 December 2023

One Hour Rules variants page update

No cheery Christmas message I'm afraid, but I've been doing a lot of work in recent months on various variants of Neil Thomas's excellent One Hour Wargames:

To make some of this stuff a bit clearer, I've reorganised my Rules downloads pages to eliminate old versions, dead links etc, and now there is a shiny new One Hour Wargames Rules page, linked off the the front page of the blog.

The new page includes the latest versions of the various rules, as well as direct links to the posts on various games and playtest sessions. Once I've got the new Napoleonic variant working OK, I'll add some more stuff for that too.

Update: 28.12.23 I've added links to some hex based WW2 scenarios now.


  1. The perfect Xmas present for OHWers!

  2. That's fantastic Martin, thank so much. One question, looking at the scenarios: for the hex-based version, how are you converting your scenarios onto the hexes? e.g. is it one hex per map square? or four hexes per map square? apologies if this is really obvious, or if i have missed the explanation somewhere.

    1. For games based on standard OHW scenarios, I use a 9x9 hex grid, so one hex is the equivalent of 4" on the tabletop. Roads and rivers are usually OK, but you have to adjust the size of woods and towns sometimes. When I have time, I'll upload a couple of the scenarios based on hexes which hopefully make I clearer.

    2. Hopefully the game reports on the hex based games make it a bit clearer.

  3. Thanks Martin, this is great. Looking forward to giving them a try in the new year.


