Tuesday 30 July 2024

BPM 15mm Jeep fleet

 I've already got some BPM jeeps but I had a couple of orders from other suppliers go astray, so while I pursued refunds or whatever, I just ordered some more stuff from BPM, who have always been very reliable. Originally I only wanted one Jeep, but as I was ordering anyway, I bought a few more..

Quite a few more in fact! A fleet of Jeeps!

I went for resin prints as they are so much better quality, even if more pricey, but as Jeeps are so small, they were still quite cheap, and well worth it to avoid peeling off all the printing flash.

These three are configured as .50 cal armed US jeeps, although if you don't look too closely they will do for Lend Lease Russian jeeps, or maybe even British.

They are the same as my unarmed BPM Jeeps, but come printed with a mounting pole and (unfortunately) separate .50 cal MGs. I did get these to stick on eventually, with a mixture of UHU and Superglue, and they seem to have  bonded quite well.

I had some spare Jeep crewmen from a pack of BF Jeeps, and I added a couple of modified PSC US Halftrack passengers. As these are armed recce type jeeps, I thought they needed crews.

They will do nicely for US Cavalry Troops or possibly Airborne Div recce companies. I painted them in Vallejo Russian Uniform then gave them a heavy wash of Bronze Green which both gives shading and tones the green down to look more like OD.

What I actually wanted originally was an SAS Jeep and a British Para recce jeep from 1st Airborne Recce Squadron, so I did these two up in that configuration.

The para jeep is also in Russian uniform, but with a lighter wash of Bronze Green as the UK version of camo green was a bit lighter than OD. The SAS jeep is in Light Stone.

I added some stowage to the 'SAS' jeep - a big box and some Jerry Cans (all PSC). The drivers are both PP 'Seated British'. The Para jeep guy has a beret and I painted him in a maroon beret and DPM smock, while the SAS Jeep driver is in a service cap and Khaki Drill. Who knows, maybe it is David Stirling himself?

The final pair are these oddities, the 'Bantam Blitz Reconnaisance Car', the precursor to the Willys Jeep. It is still a 1/4 ton 4x4 vehicle but obviously has a different bonnet and front mudguards. I can use these as US Jeeps as well as quite a few were built, but I'm planning on using these as Gaz 64s (or similar) for my Russians as I'm a bit short of small Russian vehicles. They look different enough to be Russian anyway. I did these in Vallejo Russian Green and painted the drivers as Russians with high black boots. For all of them I did the windscreens dark blue with a white highlight.


  1. The Bantam is also useful for 1941 desert as an alternative to cars and pickups.

    1. Yes,, it is handy to have a range of small wheeled vehicles in stock.

  2. I thought the last picture was a Gaz until I read the caption so they should be fine. If you want any jeeps in 6mm I recommend Scotia as they do several versions with up to four crew which look excellent.
