Thursday 1 August 2024

15mm Marmon Herrington Mk II

 More British Armoured Cars. This time I wanted something a bit more early war-ish.

This is a QRF Marmon Herrington Mk II. I slightly wish I'd gone for one of the Breda or AT gun armed variants, but this is the one I got. 

It went together OK. Hull, four wheels, turret, spare wheel and separate Vickers gun. There was a bit of flash to clean off, and the wheels are mounted on axles already, which is fine, but there wasn't much in the way of metal to fix them too,. I ended up using huge blobs of blu tak and covering them in superglue.

I didn't have a clue where the Vickers gun was meant to go, but I put it in an AA position on the turret. There is quite a lot going on with this vehicle, with all sorts of odd doors, panels and protuberances.

It came out fine in the end. As it was a 1941ish vehicle I did it in late Caunter - Dark Green over Smoke Grey over Sand. I had to slightly make the pattern up, but I've done enough Caunter now that I know how it is supposed to work. I've actually got quite good at painting the hard edges.

Otherwise the vehicle has loads of sharp edges, raised bits etc so my washes and drybrushes took well.

This model had its combat debut as part of the recent Operation Crusader game, serving as recce with 1st South African Div. 


  1. The QRF model is a bit on the small side IMHO.
    I have a stash of the old SDD model which unfortunately was the Mk1 so needs the front plate and Boyes adding.
    I'd have to check my data, but by Crusader one if not both SA divisions were using Mk3s; there was a lot of detaching, but if memory serves 1st SA had two sqns of Mk3 with one detached to Army HQ. The British recce were still using Mk2, although there are rumours of one being equipped with Humber - I'd need to recheck notes - the SA info comes from the SA armoured history by Helion.

    1. Thanks Neil. It isn't a great model but it ended up looking OK.

  2. My apologies in coming back to this; misplaced the notebook with it in.

    Commonwealth recce Operation Crusader:
    11 Hussars 3sqns Humber Mk I
    KDG 2 sqns Marmon Herrington MkII (1 additional sqn was in Tobruck) attached 1 sqn from 6 SA
    6 SA 2 sqns (less detachment KDG) Marmon Herrington MkII
    4 SA 2 sqns Marmon Herrington MkIII + 1 sqn detached to Army HQ

